The centre is where the majority of Canadians would like to be. But there’s a big question as to whether Dominic Cardy’s party can become more than just a one-man show. By Sheila CoppsFirst published…
Posts By sheilacopps
Rodriguez’s potential departure would leave a huge gap in Liberal electoral machine in Quebec
Pablo Rodriquez has integrated beautifully into the Quebec political world, and is widely recognized as a great organizer in all regions. That would make his decision to leave even tougher for Prime Minister Trudeau as there…
Sports and politics don’t mix, but as for Céline Dion’s opening performance, wow!
Politics inevitably gets in the mix at the Olympics, and that’s a horror show for politicians asked to comment on their county’s performance and actions. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on August…
Homecoming of the ‘Lucky Seven’ was something to behold
Like the survivors of the Linda May, descendants of the ‘Lucky Seven’ will keep their story alive. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on July 29, 2024. OTTAWA—The homecoming of the ‘Lucky Seven’…
Donald Trump now appears unbeatable
The Republican convention scenario could not have been scripted better if it had been written in Hollywood. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on July 22, 2024. OTTAWA—What a difference a day makes.…
Why politicians have a hard time retiring
Trudeau’s tenure is brief but he needs to weigh his legacy against the risk of losing it all. Quite a balancing act. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on July 15, 2024. Politics is…
Winds of political change blowing everywhere
Justin Trudeau believes his strong campaigning skills will kick into high gear when people finally have a chance to compare and contrast him with Pierre Poilievre, but Poilievre has a head of steam going which gets…
Justin Trudeau should pull a Doug Ford, say he got it wrong
Justin Trudeau has to do something dramatic to let Canadians know that he really is listening and the capital gains reversal could be it. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on July 1,…
Poilievre poised for big battle over capital gains
Liberals would be better off to focus on the good parts of their spend list than pick a fight on a tax increase that few understand and even fewer will be paying. By Sheila CoppsFirst…
Cloud of suspicion partly lifts, but party games continue
The fallout from the parliamentary foreign activity report did nothing to re-establish Canadians’ trust in the system. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on June 17, 2024. OTTAWA–The cloud of suspicion hanging over…