Roman Baber – Sheila Copps Thu, 18 Aug 2022 02:11:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Roman Baber – Sheila Copps 32 32 Canadians should fear ‘pseudo-American’ populism Wed, 29 Jun 2022 10:00:00 +0000

That is what we can expect if Pierre Poilievre wins the Conservative leadership, according to chief rival Jean Charest.

By Sheila Copps
First published in The Hill Times on May 30, 2022.

OTTAWA—The Americanization of Canadian politics. That is what we can expect if Pierre Poilievre wins the Conservative leadership, according to chief rival Jean Charest.

Charest pulled no punches in an aggressive closing statement at the party’s French, and final, debate in Laval last Wednesday night.

“The question we face is a very serious one. Will we in the Conservative Party take the path of American-style politics, the politics of attack, the politics where we play one group against another, the politics where every answer is a dodge? Or are we going to do Canadian politics for Canadians. That is the option I offer, not to be a pseudo-American. That is not what we want as a country. We want a leader who is able to unite the party and who has judgment, who does not send signals about conspiracy theories, who spills over into theories about the Bank of Canada or Bitcoin.”

Fellow candidate Patrick Brown doubled down in tandem attacks on Poilievre. Both candidates appeared so closely aligned in their views of Poilievre that they were asked whether they had already crafted a political pact to defeat the putative front-runner.

Brown ventured even further in a presser following the debate. He went so far as to say Poilievre has no chance of becoming prime minister.

By contrast, Charest insisted that his character and experience included the qualities to become prime minister, not just the leader of the official opposition.

But Charest’s record also provided fodder for attacks from Poilievre, who accused the former Quebec premier of raising taxes, and supporting carbon pricing.

When Poilievre was attacked for supporting the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy, he blasted back that he had no lessons to learn from Charest, referencing the Charbonneau Commission as an example of Charest’s questionable record.

When Charest told the crowd it would be his job as Conservative leader to retire the 32 Bloc Québécois members currently sitting in the Canadian Parliament, Poilievre retorted that Charest was the one who was retired by separatists.

At the end of the fiery debate, the other three candidates for the Conservative leadership were literally left in the proverbial dust.

Their poor grasp of the French language left them all ill-equipped to spar with the ease of the three on top.

Leslyn Lewis struggled with her cue cards, and Roman Baber used his limited French to primarily decry his birthplace in the former Soviet Union.

Scott Aitchison managed to master the ask in multiple, comic attempts to direct viewers to his website.

That recruitment technique will not vault him to the top, but all candidates are pushing hard to sell as many memberships as possible before the cut-off date on Friday, June 3.

As of Friday, the second phase of the campaign moves from recruitment to conversion. Just because one campaign signed up a member, that new recruit can actually change their mind and vote for another candidate in the voting system on Sept. 10.

Whatever the outcome, it is awfully hard to see how the losers will actually line up behind the winner.

The bad blood amongst the party front-runners could end up killing their chances of forming the next government.

It is hard to see how Charest could align himself with a potential Poilievre prime minister if the former Quebec premier loses the race.

He is an experienced politician who knows what it means to burn political bridges. His attack last week sent the signal that if he does not win, it is unlikely that he will be running as part of the Conservative team.

And the charge of “pseudo-American populism” is one that will stick.

In addition to the Tory leadership last week, the whole country witnessed another mass murder in Texas carried out by an 18-year-old American who had no trouble securing two assault weapons after his 18th birthday.

But instead of tackling the gun availability issue, Senator Ted Cruz blamed the massacre on the fact that the school’s back door was left open.

It is painful to watch the mounting pile of bodies dying at the hands of crazed gunmen almost weekly in the United States. As the issue is so polarized, nothing is ever really done to limit access to weapons beyond the usual plethora of post-mortem platitudes from political leaders.

American president Joe Biden has again promised to fight the gun lobby, but his level of success remains to be seen. Regular mass murders without consequence are one reason that Canadians fear “pseudo-American populism.”

Tory populists may disagree.

Sheila Copps is a former Jean Chrétien-era cabinet minister and a former deputy prime minister. Follow her on Twitter at @Sheila_Copps.

Payette resigns after report found toxic work environment at Rideau Hall Thu, 25 Feb 2021 11:00:00 +0000

The Governor General’s appointment, while generally time-limited, is always ‘at pleasure,’ which means the office-holder can be let go at any time. After Julie Payette stepped aside, the prime minister quickly replaced her with acting Governor General in the person of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada Richard Wagner.

By Sheila Copps
First published in The Hill Times on January 25, 2021.

OTTAWA—To sack or not to sack, that is the question.

Three current cases, two federal and one provincial, give us some insight into differing approaches to a firing offence.

Derek Sloan tossed

Conservative Member of Parliament Derek Sloan was tossed out by a majority vote of caucus, allegedly for accepting a donation from a white supremacist.

His toxic party status was pretty clear. Sloan has been a negative distraction to the Conservatives since his leadership bid against Erin O’Toole. O’Toole should have dumped him earlier following his racist attack on Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer Theresa Tam, because of her Chinese roots.

Instead, according to Sloan, O’Toole defended him vigorously in front of the caucus. Sloan also claims that O’Toole won the leadership because of the second-choice support of the Sloan followers.

Sloan is gone but has encouraged his followers to remain in the party and continue to influence their policy processes.

That could spell ongoing trouble for national Conservatives as they try to reposition themselves in the moderate middle to build electoral appeal.

A party that includes membership by anti-gay, anti-choice, and pro-conversion therapy supporters will not pass muster with the Canadian public.

While the departure of Sloan has helped to close the door on social conservatives, they still have an in-house leader in the person of Leslyn Lewis, a star Tory candidate whose social views mirror those of Sloan.

Governor General Julie Payette stepped down

The second federal departure is that of Governor General Julie Payette. After reviewing an independent report on allegations of bullying by Payette and her secretary Assunta Di Lorenzo, the Privy Council concluded the claims of a toxic work environment were true.

Faced with irrefutable evidence of harassment, Payette moved quickly to step down. That was the right thing to do.

Otherwise, the government would have had no choice but to dismiss the Queen’s representative in Canada. And the Queen would not have had to personally approve any firing.

The Governor General’s appointment, while generally time-limited, is always “at pleasure,” which means the office-holder can be let go at any time. After Payette stepped aside, the prime minister quickly replaced her with acting Governor General in the person of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada Richard Wagner.

Multiple news reports underscored the message that the governor-general’s alleged history of staff maltreatment was an issue in previous work environments. She departed hastily with a large severance from the Montreal Science Centre following similar allegations and left the Canadian Olympic Committee under a cloud.

Throughout the Rideau Hall investigation, the prime minister mounted a vigorous defence of his appointee. However, he had no choice but to sack her, based on the devastating report findings leaked to the media last week.

Ontario’s MPP Roman Baber dismissed

On the firing front, a third dismissal took place last week when Ontario Premier Doug Ford fired MPP Roman Baber for publishing an open letter characterizing the provincial lockdown as “deadlier than COVID.”

Baber has also been told that he cannot run for the Conservatives in the next election.

There is no doubt that Baber should have aired his grievance internally. His statement was a direct attack on the government’s use of the lockdown as a tool to limit the spread of COVID.

But this firing may actually do more harm than good by providing fuel for those who believe the current full lockdown is unsupported by science.

After Baber’s dismissal, a former Ontario chief medical officer of health penned a similar public letter, claiming “lockdown was never part of our planned pandemic response nor is it supported by strong science.”

Dr. Richard Schabas, who held the post for a decade, was also chief of staff at York Central Hospital during the SARS crisis.

He addressed the specifics of the Baber claim and also alleged that the modelling used to support the lockdown is misguided.

Schabas is not the only voice to claim the current approach is ineffective. Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson, who usually goes out of his way to support provincial initiatives, publicly questioned the decision to include his city in the lockdown, even though its daily COVID numbers were in the single digits.

Ford is between a rock and a hard place. He is following medical advice. But not all medical advice is based on science, especially counsel on this new and emerging virus.

Had Ford simply noted his colleague’s objection and supported caucus free speech, he probably would not have provoked the public backlash caused by the firing.

Instead, this dismissal gave oxygen to the growing anti-lockdown movement.

A decision not to sack might have been smarter.

Sheila Copps is a former Jean Chrétien-era cabinet minister and a former deputy prime minister. Follow her on Twitter at @Sheila_Copps.
