Judy LaMarsh Fund – Sheila Copps https://sheilacopps.ca Wed, 25 Jan 2017 14:51:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://sheilacopps.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/home-150x150.jpg Judy LaMarsh Fund – Sheila Copps https://sheilacopps.ca 32 32 October is women’s history month https://sheilacopps.ca/october-is-womens-history-month/ Wed, 24 Oct 2012 01:40:16 +0000 http://www.sheilacopps.ca/?p=342 October is women’s history month and there is much to celebrate. However, the advances we have enjoyed are under attack, in Canada and abroad. The Republican candidate for American president thinks the key to women’s political involvement is the requirement to leave work in time to get supper on the table. In our country, the Conservatives continue the attack on reproductive rights of women. In this month that honours the Famous Five, those courageous women who fought for our right to vote, we should all do our part for equality.

I have recently taken on responsibility for the Liberal Party’s Judy LaMarsh fund. In the next few months, Liberals across the country will organize activities in support of the Judy Fund. Please join Liberal Member of Parliament Dr. Carolyn Bennett at the end of the month at a Parliamentary Scaraoke Party. Just follow my web link and I will see you there. If you want to host your own party, email me at info@sheilacopps.ca.
The Annual General Meeting of Equal Voice is also happening across Canada this Saturday. EV is a multi-party, non-partisan organization devoted to increasing the number of women in parliament.

In the Liberal Party, our national leadership race includes a number of incredible candidates. Each person brings a unique perspective. Over the next number of months I will be inviting all candidates to connect with you via my website.

The first person presented here is a strong woman considering a run for LPC leadership.

Vancouver-Quadra Member of Parliament Joyce Murray was my British Columbia Co-Chair in last January’s campaign for Party President. First elected federally in 2008, Joyce was environment minister in the provincial cabinet from 2001-2004. She is committed to creating a vibrant 21st Century economy that protects and restores the environment rather than damaging it. A mother of three, Joyce’s vision for a new liberalism combines healthy democracy with a sustainable society, so today’s young people and their families can enjoy the freedoms and opportunities of past generations.

Joyce’s public and private sector track record includes co-creating an environmental enterprise that employs hundreds of young people, and innovating environmental policy.

To help Joyce, or find out more, email her at joycemurray@telus.net or check her website www.joycemurray.ca.

With Joyce, Justin Trudeau, via justin.ca and many other talented candidates, our party is vigorous, forward thinking and determined to provide a positive alternative. There is an opportunity to help a strong candidate for LPC leadership!

“Scaraoke” for Judy / pour Judy https://sheilacopps.ca/skaraoke/ Fri, 12 Oct 2012 20:17:24 +0000 http://www.sheilacopps.ca/?p=323 Karaoke Fundraiser for the Judy Lamarsh Fund hosted by the Liberal Women’s Caucus.













La collecte du Caucus des Femmes du Parti Libéral “Scaraoke” pour le fonds Judy Lamarsh.

August Update https://sheilacopps.ca/284/ Tue, 14 Aug 2012 18:58:35 +0000 http://www.sheilacopps.ca.php53-22.ord1-1.websitetestlink.com/?p=284 What a great Olympic run for Canada!  The country was riveted on our women’s soccer story, from the lows to the highs.  That last-minute goal for Bronze was the icing on the cake.  Our medalists, and those who marked so many personal bests made these Olympics absolutely unforgettable.

As summer closes, it is time to get back to work.  I am happy to embrace a new challenge.  Mary Pynenburg, the dynamic president of the National Women’s Liberal Commission, has asked me to take over the reins of the Judy LaMarsh Fund.

With the support of the party executive team, young women founders of Beyond the Numbers, and our president Mike Crawley, the Judy Fund will be working to help fund more Liberal women in the next election. If you are interested in helping, please just send me an email and we will get you involved.

On the international front, I have just been asked to serve as a Member of the Governing Council of the Centrist Asia Pacific Democrats International (CAPDI).

CAPDI mobilizes mainstream moderates to work for good governance and fight corruption, campaign for the alleviation of mass poverty and the empowerment of youths, women and minority groups. It strives to protect human rights, promote democracy and ease the ill effects of environmental degradation.

On the home front, Austin and I have just purchased a fantastic waterfront condo in Mexico. It is also available for group rentals. To reserve, email me at mexico@sheilacopps.ca

This fall will be a busy time.  I would love to hear from you.  We are trying to reach everyone so you may get duplicate messages.  To unsubscribe, just follow the link.

Happy Holidays and see you in September!
