At the conclusion of the anti-Boissonnault attack, there’s only one question that matters: which political party has a plan to tackle the gross injustices Indigenous People have faced since colonization? By Sheila CoppsFirst published in…
Tagged By Jody Wilson-Raybould
Trudeau needs to learn a valuable lesson from WE scandal
Canadians are miffed by the WE mess, but they are still willing to give the prime minister the benefit of the doubt. Their patience is wearing thin. The opposition parties will continue to push for…
Kim Campbell was right
By Sheila Copps First published in The Hill Times on September 30, 2019. Just last week, the Liberals and the New Democrats both launched their environmental platforms. But analysis of those platforms did not even…
Globe appears to be on campaign to keep SNC-Lavalin story alive
To avoid undue election influence, the RCMP has announced it will not be investigating anything during the writ period. That fact was buried in The Globe story. By Sheila Copps First published in The Hill…
If Wilson-Raybould really wants to be a nation builder, she should stop helping Scheer
The book launch guarantees that Jody Wilson-Raybould’s story will dominate the news, ensuring the Liberals receive more criticism for their faulty handling of the file. By Sheila Copps First published in The Hill Times on…
Toronto Sun’s exposé, not so much
Overexposure probably explains why no other media outlet even bothered to cover the Sun front-page story. There was no exposé. By Sheila Copps First published in The Hill Times on May 27, 2019. OTTAWA—Warren Kinsella…
Trudeau better start getting ahead of the stories instead of fighting a continuous rear-guard action
That means responding quickly and forcefully to false opposition claims and moving aggressively on a progressive policy agenda. By Sheila Copps First published in The Hill Times on April 15, 2019. OTTAWA—Justin Trudeau has obviously…
Wilson-Raybould left Trudeau no choice but expulsion
The former justice minister’s actions show that protecting the prime minister wasn’t her priority. By Sheila Copps First published in The Hill Times on April 8, 2019. OTTAWA—Imagine being given the privilege to serve in…
Time to ditch the sunny ways
While Justin Trudeau’s own house is burning around him, the prime minister continues to claim that all is well in Liberal land and he welcomes the input of two former ministers who have engaged in…
Caesar-Chavannes did the right thing
Celina Caesar-Chavannes left the Liberal caucus after publicly challenging the character of the leader. Her two former cabinet colleagues should follow suit. By Sheila Copps First published in The Hill Times on March 25, 2019.…