According to TVO’s host of ‘The Agenda’ Steve Paikin, Doug Ford won’t agree to a one-on-one with him. Meanwhile, Pierre Poilievre riles his base bashing the CBC. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times…
Tagged By Doug Ford
Canadian political landscape could change dramatically by summer’s end
Controversy inside the Conservative federal leadership race will have a spillover effect into the provincial elections in Ontario and Quebec. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on March 21, 2022. OTTAWA—By summer’s end,…
Vax tax, or not to vax tax, that is the question
It sounds good to vaccinate all truckers, but hampering $1-billion of daily traffic between Canada and the United States may not help. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on January 17, 2022. OTTAWA—To…
Ford breathes easier today
Working Families, an anti-Conservative coalition of public and private-sector unions and individuals, failed to overturn legislation reining in third-party capacity to advertise. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on December 13, 2021. OTTAWA—An…
O’Toole has friends in high places
Doug Ford is banking on the fact that as the threat wanes, so will the political power of the vaccine question and he wants anti-vaxxers on his side in next June’s provincial election. By Sheila…
Vaccination passports should be an election issue
It is hard to understand how conservative values align with putting people’s health at risk in a global pandemic. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on August 16, 2021. OTTAWA—Inoculate but keep it…
Saving lives beats vaccine liberty
Armed with today’s knowledge and technology, it only makes sense to issue an international vaccine for anyone who plans to travel. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on July 26, 2021. When does…
We should have had a national rollout vaccine strategy
So, we are languishing on the vaccination rollout and medical doctors who are working in intensive care units filled with COVID carriers are not even allowed to get the second vaccine, which has greater protection…
Payette resigns after report found toxic work environment at Rideau Hall
The Governor General’s appointment, while generally time-limited, is always ‘at pleasure,’ which means the office-holder can be let go at any time. After Julie Payette stepped aside, the prime minister quickly replaced her with acting…
A snap election would actually be a welcome diversion
Two confidence votes, two near misses in two weeks prepares voters for the fact that an election will come sooner rather than later. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on October 22, 2020.…