Tagged By Bill Morneau

Morneau-Trudeau was no Martin-Chrétien

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Bill Morneau was never after Justin Trudeau’s job. From the beginning, Morneau seemed ill at ease with the thrust and parry of political life. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on August 24,…

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Morneau could well be toast

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What started out as a potential logistical glitch in the speedy rollout of government COVID-based aid is turning into a massive headache that could cause permanent damage to the government. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in…

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Canada’s culture wars will never end

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Netflix has been embraced by Canadians as their go-to platform of choice when it comes to sassy, critically acclaimed cinema that crosses all genres. The newly announced deal will actually put more Canadian bums in…

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