Santa Claus isn’t a religious symbol. He is the jolly, red-clad fellow who lumbers down chimneys to distribute gifts to children. He arguably has more to do with commercialism than deity. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The…
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I was wrong, I thought House civility would last at least two weeks, it lasted two days
If last Wednesday’s Question Period is any indication, Conservatives are raring to go, and an election couldn’t happen soon enough. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on October 23, 2023. OTTAWA—I was wrong.…
Middle Eastern politics always play a global role
New Democrats are not the first Canadian politicians splintering on the Israel-Palestine issue. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on October 13, 2023. OTTAWA—In politics, timing is everything. Members of the New Democratic…
Greg Fergus will need to be a gentle giant, but not too gentle
The new Speaker has a reputation across party lines as a sunny, friendly force. But that positivity must be tempered by a strong arm during Question Period. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on…
Trudeau’s horrible summer
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Tories’ silence is golden on trans issues, but might not be sustainable
As his party’s numbers climb, Pierre Poilievre has to be careful to appeal to voters leery of social conservatism. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on September 25, 2023. OTTAWA—Protests and counter-protests on…
It’s nervous Nellie time in the Liberal caucus
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Happy Conservatives meet in Québec City
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Demolition of our history is not sustainable
Respect for built heritage and the history behind 24 Sussex Drive is something that should concern all Canadians. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on September 4, 2023. OTTAWA—The trial balloon, floated last…
Canada’s housing crisis was decades in the making
A problem that took 30 years to develop will take another 10 to fix. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on August 28, 2023. OTTAWA—Canada’s housing dilemma is not just a national crisis.…