To win, Justin Trudeau needs the Herb Gray crowd. He should listen to political elders, privately spilling their guts about feeling excluded. A small tent reaps a small voter turnout. A small turnout spells defeat.…
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Time has come to revisit National Prayer Breakfast status as a religious convention sponsored by Parliament
Why would the Parliament of Canada endorse a leadership summit that limits participation on the basis of religion? By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on May 6, 2019. OTTAWA—Christians only need apply. According…
For sure, not everyone is happy with the slow pace of reconciliation
But no one can deny that Justin Trudeau has been more committed to action than any predecessor. By Sheila Copps First published in The Hill Times on April 29, 2019. OTTAWA—There has always been a…
If his strategy is to declare war on everyone, Scheer will pay a price in next election
The hardline, anti-Ottawa stance by Jason Kenney and Doug Ford should help Justin Trudeau make inroads with women and young voters, two key elements to his last majority. By Sheila Copps First published in The…
Trudeau better start getting ahead of the stories instead of fighting a continuous rear-guard action
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Wilson-Raybould left Trudeau no choice but expulsion
The former justice minister’s actions show that protecting the prime minister wasn’t her priority. By Sheila Copps First published in The Hill Times on April 8, 2019. OTTAWA—Imagine being given the privilege to serve in…
Time to ditch the sunny ways
While Justin Trudeau’s own house is burning around him, the prime minister continues to claim that all is well in Liberal land and he welcomes the input of two former ministers who have engaged in…
Caesar-Chavannes did the right thing
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Wilson-Raybould doesn’t have to wait for a House Justice Committee hearing to speak out
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Take off the kid gloves, prime minister
Sunny days are here again. But they are not going to last long if Justin Trudeau doesn’t get some experienced advice on political damage control. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on March…