The time has come to move as a herd. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on June 1, 2020. OTTAWA—Surgical sterility is great for an operating room. But it does not work in…
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Why do some retirement homes have zero infections while others are rampant?
The problem is the absolute patchwork of oversight when it comes to long-term care facilities. That problem should be solved with a national strategy. One of the after-effects of the pandemic will be a genuine…
We need a national strategy to restore confidence in long-term care
The debate about that strategy could well decide the next election. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on May 18, 2020. OTTAWA—The prime minister’s admission that we are not doing well by our…
Scheer is sounding more and more like Harper
By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on May 11, 2020. OTTAWA—Andrew Scheer is sounding more and more like Stephen Harper. Who could forget former prime minister Harper’s claim that Atlantic Canadians were suffering…
Biggest political victim of COVID-19 has been Conservative Party of Canada
Lame duck leader Andrew Scheer continues to shoot from the lip in his criticisms of everything the government is doing to minimize impacts of the COVID-19 world pandemic. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill…
Death of separatism unintended outcome of COVID-19 pandemic
Instead of trying to go it alone, provinces are stronger when they work together. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on April 27, 2020. OTTAWA—The death of separatism is an unintended outcome of…
Canada’s dirty little secret is now out in the open
When we say we respect elders, the time has come to prove it. Giving the federal public health agency authority to nationally accredit nursing homes would be a good start. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in…
Garneau must step in on behalf of air travellers
The government has done a lot right since this crisis began, but letting airlines keep Canadians’ money isn’t right. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on April 13, 2020. OTTAWA—Most people just want…
Hadju made a courageous and dangerous statement last week
Courageous, when she told the country that successive governments had neglected their responsibilities by not investing in pandemic preparation. Dangerous, because at the end of the day, Canadians will blame current governments when things go…
The president of the United States is no friend of ours
As long as Donald Trump is in office, he will continue to promote despots and dictators over democrats. He would rather befriend Russian president Vladimir Putin and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. By Sheila…