But at the end of the day, the bulk of the blame will be borne by the federal government. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on June 13, 2022. OTTAWA—To mask or not…
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Canadians may not enjoy a platinum celebration this month, but the monarchy is here to stay
The federal decision not to strike a medal was a lost political opportunity. In every riding in the country, there are individuals and organizations who would appreciate receiving recognition by way of a royal honour.…
Canadians should fear ‘pseudo-American’ populism
That is what we can expect if Pierre Poilievre wins the Conservative leadership, according to chief rival Jean Charest. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on May 30, 2022. OTTAWA—The Americanization of Canadian…
Internal party warfare can be fatal
Jason Kenney’s departure was unexpected as he had gathered together a group of key supporters for what was expected to be a victory celebration. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on May 23,…
Why do Conservatives hate public television?
According to TVO’s host of ‘The Agenda’ Steve Paikin, Doug Ford won’t agree to a one-on-one with him. Meanwhile, Pierre Poilievre riles his base bashing the CBC. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times…
Expect abortion bombshell to dominate the fall agenda
The only party that must navigate this issue with great difficulty is the Conservative Party. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on May 9, 2022. OTTAWA—The f-bomb was allegedly dropped in the House…
Feds’ lift of ban on gay blood donations a move for next election
Last week’s announcement fulfilled a Liberal promise to lift the ban on gay blood donations, but it was also designed to drive a further wedge inside the Conservative Party, especially as it related to leadership…
Women and francophones were the real Charter winners
By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on April 25, 2022. OTTAWA—As the 40th anniversary of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms was celebrated last week, much was written about the effect of the…
Feds’ housing announcement should be called Back to the Future
Provinces may not like this budget, claiming encroachment into provincial jurisdiction. But with the municipalities on side, the federal government should be able to start delivering on a national housing strategy. By Sheila CoppsFirst published…
Could reconciliation be moving from baby steps to strides?
While reconciliation is a process that cannot happen in a week, one gets the feeling that Canada is moving in the right direction. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on April 4, 2022.…