After three years and more than $25-million, it is inexplicable that the commissioners did not do a deeper dive into how the RCMP was structured. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on April…
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One million new Canadians is something to celebrate
Sure, it comes with some demographic challenges. With increased demand, the cost of housing in Canada’s major cities is under extreme stress. But that is something that smart government immigration policy can plan for. By…
Johnston has his work cut out for him
Foreign interference allegations are not limited to China. Recent reports of Russian interference have also surfaced. Politics is always a messy business. With identity politics, it will get even messier. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in…
Trudeau faces a daunting task
The government would like nothing more than a channel-changer on foreign interference investigations. Even if the Liberals succeed, with the appointment of a special rapporteur and multiple committees, all eyes are still on government foibles. …
Liberals are going to have to tread very carefully on their handling of leaked CSIS allegations
To suggest a Chinese-Canadian politician is a mouthpiece for Beijing displays a gross misunderstanding of our political system. Every politician in the country has to be aware of international politics. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The…
Time to pay the piper
Google leadership told a parliamentary committee that the government’s attempt to monetize internet news content for local support would not work. They said the same thing in Australia and, according to the government there, the…
‘Defund the CBC’ needs a salvo
Poilievre can bash Tait and gain support for his cause. But he would be hard-pressed to attack Rick Mercer or Catherine O’Hara. The other card the CBC has not played is what would Canada’s bilingual…
Copps: Flag Day brings back memories of the ‘Shawinigan Handshake’
When Jean Chrétien had a physical kerfuffle with a protester, the first official Flag Day certainly made history. By Sheila CoppsFirst published in The Hill Times on February 13, 2023. OTTAWA—Canada’s national Flag Day will…
The last thing Ontario Liberal Party needs is walkover Liberal
There are four putative candidates considering a run at the Liberal leadership. Shockingly, they are all current Liberals and each has something unique to offer. So it’s insulting to assume that their talent is ignored by 38 ‘insiders’ looking…
First ministers’ meeting trumpeted as solution to Canada’s broken health-care system, but benefits may not be felt for years
The provinces want an increase from 22 per cent to 35 per cent of health-care costs. The feds are not likely to match the demand, but will certainly come close. But the most important element…